
emtacl18 will take place the 2th and 3th of October 2018 at Dokkhuset in Trondheim.

You are probably all wondering what is happening? Why no information or news? Why this silence. Well both the local PC and IPC has had some meetings and discussions about this years themes/topics for this years edition of emtacl, emtacl18.

We have “landed” on four main themes with additional bulletpoints.


New and interesting technologies

What holds the future of academic libraries? What could we learn from outside techs to broaden our perspectives on how to run our libraries in the future. Are we the librarians an endangered species doomed to fail or do we need to adapt to keep up with the outside competition?

  • Artificial intelligence, IBM Watson in Radiology and cancer research

  • E-health, Wireless health

  • Terminator tech, Robotic Innovation, Automotive

The Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde of Internet

Hidden library possibilities. Interesting technology breaking down the monopoly of the big publishers.
Spreading well known academic and scientific information in closed research portals (free registration) like Research Gate and Academia.edu is making academic research accessible and open access .What is legal and what is not legal? How should own “our” research?
Reaching out with our information. The technologies behind easily reaching out with fake information is interesting. What do they do to easily lure us so that we get “hooked” Fake news vs.real information /Marketing.

The use of technology has many aspects. Libraries promote equal access to information and technology as an advancement of our democratic societies. Yet there are examples of where the same technology and information is used by people, organizations and countries with doubtful purposes. What are the examples of information and technology being used in a way it was not intended but very much in line with human behavior? Know your enemy and how to you counter these movements. Sometimes just being aware is enough. A theme to update academic libraries on how the same technology and information we provide can be used to undermine the foundation of our democratic society.

Dr Jekyll:

  • The not so dark but still so Shady part of internet.

  • Open access on our own terms- Researchgate, Academia.edu, etc.

  • Real news-Real information-Real marketing

  • Equal rights to information and technology

Mr Hyde:

  • Dark Side of the Web

  • Anonymous on the internet. Hidden from public and metacrawlers indexing web content.

  • Fake news, Bitcoins-money laundering, Cyber War

  • Deep web, Tor, Bitcoins

  • Fake news, Cyber War

  • Misuse of equal rights to information and technology

Users without Borders

Knowledge for a better world! The NTNU slogan!

Today’s technology allows our users to access information and each other outside of the known library space. The potential of access to the best scholars and information resources in the world just a mouse click away threatens to disrupt the academic world as we know it.

  • Outside perspective

  • oaDOI

  • Browser extensions like Kopernio and unpaywall help find content because libraries lost the grip of search and discover

  • MOOcs

  • Learning not limited to one particular space

  • User environments

  • Competency

  • Distant learning

Impact of Science

Innovation and research utilization is becoming increasingly important for universities and their ability to attract funding and interest for student recruitment.

The ability to demonstrate impact of science and education is becoming a core competency for researchers and institutions.

  • Open Science, Open everything

  • Open access

  • Accessibility and findability ( oaDOI)

  • Vizualisation of research (RePub etc.)

  • Research Impact & Analytics, statistics, (alt)metrics

  • Scientific networks, Virtual research networks